Another Quiz
How do you start
the yellow letters are hard to read...
Another Quiz
How do you start
the yellow letters are hard to read...
You click
I might be scarred for life.
im terribly sorry (extreme laughter)
EASY huh???
The first level it was impossible to find the button. A little tiny black dot is not easy...
its not even black!
Is Ok I guess
But I bet its gonna get blammed and that other piece of sh** get to stay on(not refuring to you) While we spend long hours finishing flashes and they spend 5 seconds and get 5 stars every time.
It needs to have more things maybe... Other animals maybe?
Reviewers think that they are doing a very good service by using vulgar words such as shit, fuck, suck, crap, gay, lousy, and so on. That's the way they are relieving their frustrations in their lives. Why can't they use a more civilized language, if they don't like a game: I don't like your game due to these reasons, a, b, c.
I know this trick
Man it had to be hard to make this into a game man good job. You could make something with abunch of magic tricks compiled together. That would be sweet
Thanks for the Idea, I will do this
Joined on 3/26/08